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St Peter's Church places children and young people firmly at the centre of our worship.


Each Sunday morning, children are welcome to take an activity pack to use during the service.


On the third Sunday of every month, we have a special Family Service where our young people take a leading role in our worship, using a more-accessible service specially written with them in mind. 


We welcome our uniformed organisations into church three to four times a year for church parades, notably Palm Sunday, Harvest Thanksgiving, and Remembrance Sunday. Our young people are encouraged to do readings and prayers. Scroll down to find out more about Guiding at St Peter's.


Every Wednesday 10.30am - 12noon

Drop in for hot drinks and homemade cakes from the Coffee Shop, with plenty of toys and games for the little ones in the church

Baby in Baptism Clothes


Welcoming new members to our church family

If you live within the parish of St Peter's, or you have strong links to the church, we would be delighted to look into baptising your child.


Baptisms take place during our Family Eucharist, on the third Sunday of the month at 10am.


If you would like to find out more, please get in touch with our administrator. 


Challenging, growing and living in faith

KS3 or KS4? Need your own space?


Want to talk about the big things in life?


Come along for good company, fun activities and great discussions!


1st Sunday of every month, 5 - 6.30pm at the Rectory.

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Breakfast at the Campsite



One of the most dynamic of the groups which currently use St Peter's Church Hall belongs to GirlguidingUK. 


Brownies, Guides and the Senior Section form a large and adventurous cohort of girls who endeavour to do their best in every situation. Encouraged by their qualified leaders, they shape their beliefs, gain confidence and develop self-reliance. In addition they learn to serve their communities, respect their environment and each other, and achieve their individual potential.


From gaining Brownie badges to facing numerous Guiding challenges, girls and their leaders have an enormous amount of fun. For instance, have you ever made armpit fudge?! Or made sommores on an open barbecue? Challenged yourself to climb mountains? Worked towards Baden-Powell awards? Camped out in Serbia or back-packed across Europe? Completed the DofE award? Become a Queen's Guide? Well, members of St Peter's Brownies, Guides and Rangers will have done all these things and much, much more!

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If you would like your daughter to join this thriving, adventurous movement, please register her interest by clicking here to take you to the girlguidingUK website, then follow the links for the Information For Parents.


While you are about it why not join in the fun? We have a wide range of volunteer posts from unit leaders to occasional helpers. Please register your interest on the girlguidingUK website, or contact us for further information at

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