In addition to weekly sermons, the Rector and visiting clergy, other opportunities for further teaching are available at St Peter's, including Lent and Advent courses and our regular Pilgrim Course. There is also a biennial Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Keep an eye on the latest news for more details.
Following baptism, you may wish to 'confirm' your faith in the Christian Church.
Perhaps wishing to learn more about faith, and make personal decisions to become more involved in the Christian Church, confirmation allows you to do this.
Confirmation classes are held yearly. They provide a great opportunity to learn not only the basics of the Christian faith, but also allow an opportunity for further exploration and questioning.
Confirmation classes are also run for children aged 11 or over, although exceptions to this age limit can be made.
If you are interested, please contact us.
We hold a weekly course on Christian teaching throughout both Lent and Advent. In the past we have used the book 'Joyful Christianity' by Cally Hammond; the film 'Les Miserables'; and the Bristol Diocese 'Creating Connections' Lent Course. These courses are a great opportunity to explore further particular elements of our faith during these important times of the year.
An opportunity to visit Lourdes in the South West of France
Parish Pilgrimages are prayerful times when we journey closer to God. They are full of fellowship, joy and sacred moments. The perfect opportunity to step out of the busyness of our lives and take some time to be with God, and each other.
Each day we have a Eucharistic service, as well as said services, such as Compline and Healing. There is also the opportunity to join the daily Torchlight Procession and the Blessed Sacrament Procession.
Each pilgrimage to Lourdes also takes in a trip to the town of Gavarnie, where we celebrate an open-air Eucharist high up in the Pyrenees.
The pilgrimage is a deeply spiritual experience, but there is still time for fun and laughter, particularly at the singalong on the last night.
Clergy go into all the local schools fortnightly to deliver Christian assemblies. She is also available to speak to Uniformed Organisations by appointment, and any other secular groups on matters of faith. Contact her if you would like a visit.
Follow the links below to useful resources from the Church of England