There are lots of fantastic opportunities to get involved with volunteering at St Peter's Church.
Whether you are looking to gain experience, learn more about the management of church, or running a charity, or just wish to give something back to the community, there is something for you. Have a look and if you feel that you could help, fill in the form and pass it to the Rector.

Our community Coffee Shop is staffed entirely by volunteers. Currently open Monday - Thursday, we are always looking for extra people to take on a shift now and again. This is a rewarding role and brings you into contact with many people from the community. If we are able to gain enough volunteers we will be able to open on Fridays once again. If you are interested, or would like to find out more information, please contact the Rector or pop in and have a chat with our Coffee Shop Manager or one of our wonderful volunteers.

In the Coffee Shop we go through about 20 cakes a week! If you can help out by providing a cake for us either regularly or on an occasional basis, please get in touch with the Rector or pop in and have a chat with one of our volunteers. We are always in need of cakes, biscuits, and shortbread.

The welcome that people receive in church is very important. Welcomers are there to provide that friendly face, especially to anyone who may be new to church, or feeling a bit nervous. Welcomers give out hymn books and orders of service, and point people in the direction of our facilities, such as toilets, or somewhere to get a drink of water, or a quiet space. If this sounds like you, please contact our administrator.

We have a traditional robed choir and do sing some traditional music in four parts. However, we aim to touch the spirit of at least one person in the congregation each week so we sing a wide variety of different music.
The choir sings for every Sunday morning service, monthly Evensong and all special services throughout the year. In addition we also sing at funerals and weddings.
Choir rehearsals are on Fridays 7 - 8.30pm. Everyone is welcome. You do not need to read music or be a brilliant or experienced singer; we can find a place for you. We are a friendly, caring and loveable group. Email Viv Wilkinson for more information or just turn up and find out!

If you would like to take a more active part in the Sunday morning Eucharist, why not volunteer to do the reading or the prayers? No previous experience is necessary. If you would like to know more, please contact our administrator, Faith, who will give you all the support, encouragement and materials you need.

If you have a flair for flower arranging, contact the Church Wardens. We always appreciate help with flower arrangements both in the Lady Chapel and at the High Altar. You can also book to have floral tributes in church, in memory of a loved one, or for a special occasion. To request a floral tribute, fill in the form and hand it to one of the Church Wardens or a member of the Flower Guild.

The church is a well used, beautiful building, and as such it takes a lot to keep it looking lovely. If you can spare time once a month, or more frequently, to come and help keep it clean, you would be contributing to keeping it a pleasant place for people to come and find fellowship or solitude. Please email our Church Wardens if you are interested in helping out.

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of the church. We elect new members, when there are spaces, at each Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). This is an excellent way of learning more about, and being involved in, the running of the church. Those interested should first have a conversation with the Rector or Church Wardens about the role and the legal requirements. This can happen at any point in the year. Prior to the APCM, and following a conversation with the Rector or Church Wardens, you will be asked to fill out an application form in the month leading up to the APCM (usually February or March).

These are positions such as PCC Secretary, PCC Treasurer, Church Wardens, Accessibility Advisor, Inclusivity Officer and Safeguarding Officers. If you have any skills in these areas, or feel that you would like to learn more about them, please contact the Rector.