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Loving Lord
We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.
We pray for families around the world.
Bless the work of the Mothers' Union as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.
Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship and in love and service, reach out as Your hands across the world.
In Jesus' name.

Linda Rawlings_edited.jpg


Group Leader



It's not about mothers or fathers; it's not about parental or marital status. These don't matter in the 21st Century. It's all about Christians, working together through prayer, faith and action to help families and children in need, at home and across the world. Visit the main Mothers' Union site to find out more.


We are the Filton Branch of the Mothers' Union in the Deanery of Bristol West, in the Bristol Diocese.


We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm in the Coffee Shop. 


You would be welcome to join us. Have a look through the programme below to see what we will be doing over the coming year.


For more information about the Mothers' Union group, contact Linda Rawlings

or visit the Bristol Diocese MU website.



Linda Rawlings is the new Branch Leader of St Peter's Mothers' Union.


She was enrolled in September and we offer her our full support as she settles into this role.

Notebook and Pen


Image by Pascal Bernardon
Sunrise over Sydney
Women Holding Hands

Bristol Mothers' Union Eucharist

In addition to the group activities listed below, the Bristol Mothers' Union meet on the first Thursday of each month, at 12.30pm in Bristol Cathdral. All are welcome.

Thursday 8th February 2pm

Australia talk with Daphne Clutterbuck in the Coffee Shop.

Friday 1st March 1pm

World Day of Prayer service at St Gregory the Great, Horfield

Candles in Service
Sorry Board Game
Children in Playground

Thursday 14th March 2pm

Linda will be running a Taize service in the Lady Chapel

Thursday 11th April 2pm

Quiz Quandary with Caroline in the Coffee Shop

Thursday 9th May 2pm

Lyn Crew will be leading a session on Gympanzees

Fresh Baked Scones
Image by Shayda Torabi
Town River

Thursday 13th June 2pm

Deanery Festival in Henbury. The Committee will also organise a cream tea TBC

Wednesday 10 July

Deanery Lunch at the Barn in Shirehampton

Thursday 11th July

Outing to Thornbury organised by Louise

Prayer Group
Sitting in a cafe
Praying Hands

Thursday 12th September 2pm

Wave of Prayer led by Revd Lizzie in the Church

Thursday 10th October 2pm

Activity TBC led by the committee in the Coffee Shop

Saturday 12th October TBC

Autumn Gathering led by the trustees

Poppy Wall
Christmas Presents
Nativity Scene

Saturday 9th November 2pm

Short Remembrance service followed by fellowship and refreshments. Everyone welcome

Thursday 14th November 2pm

Making Christmas with Linda in the Coffee Shop

Thursday 12th December

Deanery Advent Service at Holy Trinity Horfielf

Image by Myriam Zilles

6th or 17th December TBC

Christmas Carols in the Lady Chapel


There are many ways you can find out more about Mothers' Union, nationally, regionally and locally.

MU Logo.jpeg

Mothers' Union began back in 1876 when Mary Sumner set up the first meeting. Mary was a woman of deep faith, with a heart for prayer and determination to make a difference. She listened to God, then acted upon his call. So, she set a pattern for the place of payer in Mothers' Union down the years and across the world. Her personal prayer is as important today as the first day Mary said it.

Mary Sumner's personal prayer

All this day, O Lord,

let me touch as many lives

as possible for thee;

and every life I touch,

do thou by thy Spirit quicken,

whether through the word I speak,

the prayer I breathe,

or the life I live. Amen

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